Tema Oscuro


The new platform!

Hello everyone, we hope that you’ve had an amazing summer!

This year our team has been hard at work on preparing changes for the platform to bring you a new fresh and more user friendly feel to the experience.

The current changes that we’re releasing to the platform are the following:

Re-branding of our services:
We’ve though long and hard on how to present ourselves and show what the company is attempting to do. We’ve settled on the idea of psychometric laboratory, as that perfectly explains the mission of what we’re trying to achieve. Our mission is to bring psychometrics into your hands and make them intuitive to apply and comprehend. With this rebranding we hope that the mission will be clearer, as all of our tools and solutions are directly created and tested by the underlying academic foundation.

Website redesign:
In-line with the rebranding we’ve committed to making the platform itself feel and look much more intuitive to work with and comprehend. All the information has been reorganised and made easier to access. We hope these changes will help with the usability and make the experience better.

Instrument standardisation:
We’ve standardised all of our reports to a single design format making them much more convenient to use and regardless of the type of report you will expect consistency with the results. In addition we’ve also standardised the pricing allowing your to pick the exact instrument for your needs without worrying about the pricing that you will incur.

Pricing changes:
We’ve made substantial changes to the pricing of the platform as a whole. From now in we’re removing the credit system and replacing it with the report type system. All of the licenses will be tied directly report format removing any ambiguity regarding the processing and administration of reports. The premium has also been reshuffled and has now become much cheaper and easier to work around.

All of these changes are the first step to the full release. We will have more upgrades in the upcoming weeks and have many more events planned in the near future. We hope that you will accompany us on this journey of major updates and upgrades that we’re currently undertaking.

Kind regards,

The Psychometric Laboratory Team.

*If you have any questions, concerns or feedback you wish to provide please do not hesitate to email us at support@teique.com

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